
Wanda Jones-Heath

CISO, U.S. Air Force

CISO, U.S. Air Force

The Air Force has been aggressive in implementing new ways to improve and secure its IT, whether it’s through bug-bounty contests or agile software acquisition programs like Kessel Run. Those projects have been successful, but Jones-Heath is focused on people, too. “Mentoring has allowed me to be here today,” she says. “I believe in helping others achieve their goals through mentoring and empowering them to get things done. We have so many great people that could be greater with the support of top leadership.” The government can build more leaders by allowing people “to step into roles outside of their core positions,” Jones-Heath says, “to give employees different viewpoints.”

Benjamin Freed

Written by Benjamin Freed

Benjamin Freed is the managing editor of StateScoop and EdScoop, covering cybersecurity issues affecting state and local governments across the country. He has written extensively about ransomware, election security, and the federal government's role in assisting states, localities and higher education institutions with information security.

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