
Rajive Mathur


Delivering value and maintaining accountability are among the top concerns for Mathur. The focus on value “is what helps ground me and what I would like to see in every IT project,” he told House members at a hearing in September 2018. “One of the things I have said internally to our teams is we are going to be communicating horizontally, as opposed to up the chain of command, across, and down. In a large organization that happens frequently, so you’ve got to have the business customer in the room so they can hold each other accountable, so that they are accountable to each other and to us.”

Benjamin Freed

Written by Benjamin Freed

Benjamin Freed is the managing editor of StateScoop and EdScoop, covering cybersecurity issues affecting state and local governments across the country. He has written extensively about ransomware, election security, and the federal government's role in assisting states, localities and higher education institutions with information security.

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